panty fucker

Are you a panty fucker? Miss Brighton wants to find out! 1-800-601-6975

Do you guys remember the song ***** fucker, from the southpark movie? You know… that word that I can’t say that starts with a U and rhymes with inappropriate? Yes that song. Well today we’re discussing panty fuckers! And if you’re a panty fucker, this blog is for you…

Panty Fucker Loves Mistress Undies

I’ve had many a panty slut, confess they enjoy jerking off in panties, to panties, and with panties. Something about that silky fabric rubbing the nether region makes their sausages salute! Not like I can blame them, because on the rare occasion that I’m actually wearing any panties, I do love the feeling of that fabric rubbing against my deep, wet, secret place. And silk saddles do exist, as do pillow humping masturbations, but I’m getting off the subject here.. I want you to jerk off with a pair of panties, wrapped around your cock!

Panty Fucker Sensual Stroking

Now add the arousing aspect, of having a pair of Mistress panties to stroke with. Knowing your Goddess was wearing the panties you are now furiously humping. That would send you over the edge even faster wouldn’t it? Unless of course I forbid you to cum. Unless there were stipulations to your being allowed release.. So what say you, panty fucker? Want to be my panty slut and find out what kind of humiliating thing I’m going to make you do with those panties your hoarding? Mmmm didn’t think I knew, did you? Call me! 1-800-601-6975 and let’s see if you can be an entertaining panty fucker, for Miss Brighton.


Mistress Brighton